Community Service | Teen Ink

Community Service

April 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Why is community service important to you?
Community service is important to me because I love helping people and it should be our duty in life to spread happiness. Because by doing service it can help the person you are doing it for and yourself by making you a better person which is creating a closer relationship with God and that will help you get to heaven which is our life-time goal.

My class has been doing service projects this whole year. Like making blankets for the sick kids in the hospital to keep them warm, setting up games for little kids that are less fortunate to play and keep and also creating goody bags for them to have and to keep. Also by going to a food drive where we made grocery bags for the homeless that will last hopefully a full week for their families. Even though we didn’t get to hand them out to the people we still got to be a huge part of it.

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