Ordinary Book | Teen Ink

Ordinary Book

October 6, 2014
By Enzozzi BRONZE, Mayfield Hts., Ohio
Enzozzi BRONZE, Mayfield Hts., Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There she was, curves like the ocean, pulling me in like the waves. She has brown, bouncy hair with a golden ombrè that curled around her black Ray Ban glasses so flawlessly. She would always be holding a book, must be a special one because she NEVER lets anyone see it except her own bright moon eyes. However, that changes today, I took my steps carefully as I crept closer to her to try and snag the book.

“Here it goes.”  I muttered to myself as I leaned in to grab the book, “I got this, I can do it..yeah..okay I got this”. With my sweaty palms, I felt the worn leather of the book and took my chance, but then,
“WHOA” she screamed, “Who the hell are you!?”

“uh, uh, I..I’m Flynn Bonaventura, and you are?” I uttered, as I tried to recover from my dashing opening line of “uh”.

“ Ella Verona, not that you need to know” she snapped, then took a deep breath. “why were you reaching for my journal?” Thankfully, she seemed to be calming down, but now I had to come up with something.

“Oh your journal, yeah.. uh sorry about that Its just..I have a thing for… touching books” what the hell did I just tell this girl, a thing for touching books, and I wonder why I’m single.

“hahahaha touching books, what, like a paper fetish?” as she chuckled, her smile radiated like the sun, I was too busy being in a daze to realize she was totally making fun of my manly hobby, but suddenly  she stopped her giggling with a stern look and checked the book with fragile hands. I could smell the paper with the worn leather as if being stirred together in a stew. A bronze key was drawn between her fingers, she flashed me a corky smirk and locked the book. Then in a blink she stormed off. Vans practically cracking the floor.

Moments later, something amazing happened, due to her sexy stomping, the key found its way to the pale floor.   I cautiously made my way to the bronze key. I brought my tense hand to grab it when suddenly the key glowed and shook as if having a seizure, then, like a bullet, shot down the hall, looking for its home. That’s when it hit me, “Damn, this is no ordinary book”

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