The Stitch | Teen Ink

The Stitch

March 5, 2015
By Travis Wright BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Travis Wright BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bam! I flipped over, I felt something warm running down my lip…! I was bleeding really bad and i needed help, I screamed and cried out but nobody came, how long would it be before help arrived? Hopefully not to long…!

My name is Travis and this is my story.

It was a cloudy day in Kings Mountain, I had just woke up and the birds were chirping the sun danced behind the clouds, the clouds not letting the sun get by and share his light with the world. I got dressed and brushed my teeth so I looked out the window and I saw 2 Deer in my backyard. Eventually when they had finished eating they trotted back off into the woods not to be seen for a while.

I was Five years old at the time and I was into the simple things in life. Watching TV, Running, Jumping, you name it. I loved my toys I played with them everyday, it was my favorite part of the day. By now it was almost 1pm and my Dad had just got deployed from the military to Maryland. The sun had came out by now so i decided to go outside and play.

My favorite toy was my little Tonka Toy Truck, it was the best thing that had ever happened to me up to this point in my life, I was so excited to go outside and play with it. I was pushing my truck in my gravel driveway when Bam! The wheel got stuck on a rock and I flipped over the front of the truck. I felt something warm running down my lip, I didn’t know when help was coming. I was bleeding really bad, so I got up and was running back to my house, tears rolling down my cheeks and out of my eyes.

When i got inside and I showed my mom what I had done she took me to the Hospital. I got to the Hospital the Doctor told me that i would need to have Stitches. So the Doctor took me to a back room, the next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital feeling 100 percent better. I could feel the stitches in my lip but they didn’t hurt. The Doctor said that the stitches would have to be taken out later but it was no big deal! That was a pretty bad experience, but not as bad as the one that happened next week…!

That’s my Story! Have a nice day.

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