all about life | Teen Ink

all about life

September 29, 2015
By Anonymous

Why are you guys doing this? Please stop! It all went down hill from there. It was an early school morning. I was getting ready for school, I still remember like if it was yesterday.

My uncle had done something terrible, that he had to get out of state. I wasn’t the best thing of my life, I hated seeing cops and till this day I still do. The cops were looking for him; they did a search in my home. I was screaming and I had a panic attack that I was screaming for my dad. I screaming as a loud as I could “DADDY! DADDY! DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!” They when into my parents room to grab my dad, I remember my little brothers were home that day.

That’s when I had the panic attack I started to worry about my brothers. “Don’t bring the K9 in there’s children in the house.” The cops said. They went to all the rooms and did what they had to do, then they went to my uncle’s room his room got torn apart, it look like a tornado passed by and only hit his room. The only thing that was coming across my mind was why me! Why me! I couldn’t do any thing other then cry my eyes out and hug my little brothers.

All I wanted to do was go to my mom and be with her. At that moment that had happen my mother wasn’t home she had gone out. I couldn’t do anything other watch my father getting put down and being hurt by the cop. My father had told my mother that morning when she got home. I get a phone call and it was my mother and I just started crying.

I screaming at her, telling why did she leave me alone, why did she have to leave? When I came back from school that afternoon. I was heartbroken, going upstairs and see his room and not being able to talk to him, it hurt. It was one of the painful days of my life. Just knowing that every day of my life I wasn’t going to see him. Week after that all happened I had my first visit with him.

I was happy to see him; I had to tell him what I’ve been up to. The only thing that had gotten me upset was that I couldn’t hug him your even sit next to him. After every thing two years later he came back home. When he came back home I told him to promise me one thing and that was to stay out of trouble. I was happy that he did, he even started his only little family. At the end of the day I had my uncle back home he basically another father figure for me, other then my stepfather.

I’ve learned so much from this experience, I honestly see that I need to be on my best behavior or things wont come out the way you want them to. At the end of the day the things you do will reflect on you in the future.

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