The Longest Hike | Teen Ink

The Longest Hike

November 10, 2015
By teswimgirl BRONZE, Bloomfield, Michigan
teswimgirl BRONZE, Bloomfield, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are all bundled up in our sleeping bags relaxing and waiting for the ferry to takes us off this beautiful island and back to Copper Harbor. We have been here for the past fourteen days hiking, having fun, and not showering. Our hair was in cornrows, and along the way we became less worrisome about our appearance and our focus turned to having the best time of our lives. Sitting on the dock we still had two or three hours until the boat would come, giving the entire cabin time to reflect on the days we had spent on a remote yet amazingly beautiful island in the middle of Lake Superior. We just became Isle Royale Junior Rangers, an oath was taken and badges given out, very official, and there was not much left to look forward to the rest of the day. I take some of the extra moments to look back at how one group of girls who didn’t know each other three weeks ago could bond so much on a backpacking trip. 

I think about day two of our trip. I thought we were going to die on this island. My thoughts took me to places I would rather not revisit. My mind constantly filled with the never ending ideas of, “Get me off of this island” or “What have I signed up for?”  or even “1, 2,3…” I got to the point where I was convinced that counting my steps during the hike would help. To this day, I think of that day and how hard it truly was. and having others around me giving little thoughts of encouragement when I didn’t want to be there, “Just look at everything around you, nothing in my life has been this perfect.” When hiking on the ridge we were all given a chance to see almost the entire island. Those moments gave me new life and gave me a chance to absorb the beauty around me. It was only 8.6 miles to hike, at the same time it was somewhere around 80 degrees, and the amount of trees near the trail was limited providing little to no shade. The day dragged on and with no watch to look at, time was nothing but an irrelevant number. I could feel my boots giving me blisters, making the day that much worse.

July 27, 2015
The sun blazed but Bows Cabin took it one sweaty step after another and persevered through the day.
Each time a break was taken on the side of the trail sitting in nothing but dirt and leaves, maybe the occasional rock, each one of us had convinced ourselves that we were getting closer to the campsite. The worst part about breaks is when you would hear our peppy counselor, Caity, cheerfully add, “Up and at ‘em girls!” Once standing with our somewhere around fifty-pound packs that made us look like bears, she would add in a sing-songy manner quoting a Willie Nelson song, “On-the-road-again!” The only thing that kept me moving was those little comments and the distant thought of cheese and crackers, which was our lunch. 

I come out of the haze that has come from my reflection, and realize where I have gotten in the past two weeks. I had just hiked 121.4 miles while carrying my belongings with me the entire time.

August 6, 2015
I built a lot of confidence in myself and my skills, I’ve also noticed that I’ve gotten 
stronger and faster.

My now best friends had pushed myself and each other striving for us to be our best, I myself also returning the favor. Through constant sounds coming from my friends of, “Keep pushing through” and,  “Don’t worry!” I was truly able to keep going. Through the little comments of encouragement I was able to finally achieve the goal I came in with when signing up for this seemingly impossible trip. My biggest accomplishment was not the physical act of hiking, but the mental accomplishment of being able to become a stronger-minded person.

August 7, 2015
It doesn’t matter where you come from, just where you go from there!

The author's comments:

This piecce is from when I went to camp over the summer!

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