My Heart Sank at the Sight of... | Teen Ink

My Heart Sank at the Sight of...

December 18, 2015
By Alexiya BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Alexiya BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mom woke me up with the shades drawn all the way up and intense sunlight was shining directly in my eyes. She replies with a gentle gesture “Good Morning.”As I respond to her “Good Morning” as well. She had already woke my brother and sister for the day. So as I trudged down the hall following an aroma of breakfast my stomach grumbled at first sight. After I had finished my breakfast my mom asked me to get dressed and to put my hair up for the hot clammy air that awaits for us outside; she also added to put a towel and bathing suit into a bag for a reason I could not discover. I thought to myself “Where are we going,” Is it somewhere special?” the thoughts rumbled in my head until I asked my mother, “Where are we going,” and she told me “Far, far away to neverland”, she teased me and I was still antsy to find out.

Sights filled the whole ride to the mysterious destination and it seemed like it went on and on for what seemed like hours and I didn’t know what to expect then when we came across this sign that I could not visualize it at first until it was almost close enough to touch it. My brother and sister leaped with joy and made the truck jump as well. The sign said “Michigan Adventures”. Finally after enough time to find a parking spot we all piled out of the truck and I could smell so many varieties of perfume and sunblock as I took a big whiff of air. As we steered towards the entrance to pay for our tickets and make our way to a day full of amusement. When we made our way inside all the possible sights, smells, and sounds you could ever imagine they were there. Crowds of people swarmed everywhere, but my mom already knew where she wanted to go and it was to “Shivering Timbers.”
As I approached the ride my heart sank at the sight of the large wooden roller coaster. I have never been on a roller coaster till that day and my anxiety started to kick in with each step up the ramp to the ride. The line was cram packed: from what I saw Shivering Timbers is the most popular ride for people at Michigan Adventures. The line slowly moved as each person got on and off. When we got up to the top and waited for the next people to arrive and I felt a little queasy as it jerked to a stop and I watched as the other one slowly drifted off. I watched other people’s expressions and my mom said “Doesn’t that look like fun?” I replied with uncertainty, “Yea.” After the people finished their ride we were up.

Click,click,click was all I was hearing besides the sound of my heart in my ears as the ride rose up to its highest peak and stopped-- then whoosh the ride descended down and a shriek arose from me when my fear had taken over and I couldn’t control it. I could her a screech of horror coming from my brother and sister as the ride dropped so fast it felt like our stomachs were in our chest. My brother was shouting over the wind “Let me off,” I have to pee!” as tears gushed from my brother’s face and my dad giggled at the remark. Other people around me were laughing, screaming and enjoying it but I certainly knew that I wasn’t even for a brief moment at the first drop and now after the feeling was mutual I see why they would react like that. So as the ride continued I was laughing and enjoying it as much as the rest of they were. My mom wheezed as she was trying to catch her breath from the gust of wind the ride was supplying and asked “Are you having fun?” Yea the best time I have ever had,”   I said with triumph. She gave me a smirk and the ride was off to its final destination. 


I learned that fears can be deceiving and you shouldn’t let them control your life because you could miss out on things that you would have never known to be as amazing until you experience them. That day when I rode that ride was a day that I faced my fear and didn’t let it control me. If you think of all the bad things and become a pessimist everything will become an obstacle in your life that you want to conquer. A fear is an emotion caused by belief that something or someone could be dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. So if you think about how much fun it will be or good things that will come out of your fear it will no longer hurt you anymore.

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