Change of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

Change of a Lifetime

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

It all happened before the weekend before the school year started. That weekend change my life. My attitude about life changed, my confidence level went up, and my friends I’ve had for years are all going their separate paths and moving on and growing up. This all happened when I met my hero, the one who saved me from going even deeper into darkness. The worst thing in life is that darkness. That darkness is the fate of my future. I was so close to being lost and forgotten, but then he came in and saved me. I never really knew that someone can change your life by just being there for you and helping you go in the right direction.

Before all this happened I was just sitting around playing video games not wanting to go to school and doing terrible in life. I would just skip school and fight with my parents every day. My grades were bad, my attitude was even worst. Attitude means a lot if you want to do your best in life. It was so bad that I dropped out of high school and messed up my schooling. Schooling, I realized is important in life; it gets you a career and a happy future. I was just about to give it all up.

I wish other kids could have this chance. I couldn’t say no to it. It was a once in a life time chance. Other kids don’t realize the chance they missed or not taken until it’s too late. I was the one in a million, the lucky one to have realized it. I had to set goals for myself and he was there to help me complete them. He was my back bone. I’ve began to start helping others the way he did to me. Quotes are how I help them. Some of the quotes I say are “the worst thing in life is a bad attitude” and that means so much if you understand it and take it to heart. Another quote is “something good always comes out of something bad”.

This “he” I keep referring to is my best friend, my roommate, my motivation in life. People today fail to realize that you have someone to care for you. In result of that they usually take the bad path of life. So please understand where I’m coming from and take what I said to heart.

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