800 Thousand Miles Away | Teen Ink

800 Thousand Miles Away

January 10, 2017
By Shyanne.Kayee SILVER, Decatur, Illinois
Shyanne.Kayee SILVER, Decatur, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why move all the way across the country? That cold winter night was the worst. The thin air was taking my breath away. The tears from my eyes were only becoming ice. This was the final day I got to see my family for months. Maybe even years. The thought frightened me. The night haunted me. The months apart were gonna creep up on me like the howling wind. That had to be the worst night of my life. I bawled so much. To watch my family pull off. The big white u haul set off they were on a new journey. Without me was heartbreaking. Things would never be the same and never were. That moment there was no going back. I couldn't just send a text. Ask to come over. Holidays weren't gonna be the same. My whole outlook on life reversed. We couldn't have our huge traditional warm dinner on Christmas. We couldn't go build little snowmen in the winter frost.  Nothing was ever going to be the same. That night changed me. The distress it caused made my heart stop for a few seconds. My whole world shattered right in front of me.

I was never the same after that night. I walked around like I had nothing left to live for. Maybe I didn't. My family was gone. It was me, myself and I. My has torn heart was deeply saddened. I know that made me a stronger person. I persevered through the tough times to become who I am today. I'm a strong, independent young adult.  After a long haul of 2 years. I finally get to spend a wonderful Christmas with my family. We laugh, we cheer, and we all cry with excitement. Things couldn't get much better!

That's what gives me hope. That they will always be waiting for me. We are a thousand miles apart. The love for each other will never change. Things were meant to be that way. Truly turned out for the better. When my life changed that was okay. It made me who I am. The tragedy gives me the chance to tell everyone that your past experiences can change you for the better. It warmed my heart. They truly don't know how much that little time spent with them meant to me. Maybe it's just me. Or could you live with the people that mean the moon and back to you slip through your fingers?

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