The Horror Night | Teen Ink

The Horror Night

May 15, 2018
By Anonymous

‍It’s was a cold and windy night and ‍my friends and I had an idea let’s go to the haunted house that just opened at the beginning of October.As my friends and I reached the haunted house we could see police around in front of the building with there flashing blue light’s we were thinking that some one fainted because they were to scared ,but found out they were there to direct traffic.

As we were waiting line so we can get in, ‍people dresses in clown outfits come running out of the what looks like an abandon factory they scared one my friends he was like “ahh that was not funny.” While we were laughing at him he told us “If your not scared how about you take a picture with them.”

” alright call them over here.” So my friends and I are yelling for the clowns that were scaring other people in the line in the back and then one of the clowns notice us yelling and ran over to we were and was trying to be creepy and we told him if were could take a picture with him and in a creepy was he said “okay.”

While I took a picture I smiled but that would be the opposite emotion from what I will have in the 13th floor. As my friends and I get closer on entering the the haunted house it keeps on getting darker and when we enter the building and they let us in and it’s pitch black we could not see a thing. We are all grabbing each other then we hear noise in the direction we are walking and then a clown jumps out of nowhere jumps in front of us and scares us we all screamed and back up in to a wall and almost knocked it down.

After that scare we turned in to long hallway with some lights blinking and some one was sitting at desk at the end of the hallway. My friend were shoving each other and argues saying “who’s going first because I’m not.”
Then the person at the end of the hallway waved at us and said “Don’t be scared I‘won’t hurt you“.

While waving a bat . While we ran frantically passed the person at the end of the hallway we were nearing the end of this haunted house which seemed like a maze to get through but finally we see the end a long hallway to the end my friends and I were walking through it and just we enter the hallway the same clown I took a picture with came out of a hidden door and chased us down the hallway with a chainsaw to the end.when we got out of the hallway my friends looked at each other gasping for air and I said “thank god that’s over .”

The author's comments:

About the time I went to a haunted house on Halloween with my friends 

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