The Final Summer | Teen Ink

The Final Summer

June 6, 2024
By phamel BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
phamel BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t wait for summer to commence, not only is there no more school. But, summer baseball will also start, meaning that for the last time in my life I get to go to Iowa or Kansas City with a bunch of my friends that I am playing with. For the last time I get to stop at a Kwik Trip to placate the hunger that was growing during the long trips. For the last time I get to run around hotels with my friends, and almost get kicked out every night. 

Once the summer baseball season is over I will never get to live in Indiana for a week at a time. Or, travel to Iowa three times. Or, make unforgettable memories in the hotels with friends.

What also comes with summer is the seemingly endless hangouts with my best friends where all we do the whole time is try and deceive each other into doing something that isn’t the smartest. Like that one time - CRACK! One of my friends has seen a deer running through the woods right next to us, he tells all of us to look, a nice light brown streaking across the vivid greens of the trees and grass. Before any of us can say anything we're all chasing after the deer trying to catch it. I asked them after we missed the deer, “What were we going to do with it if we caught it?”

“Couldn’t tell you.” Responded one of my friends, and just because the one friend missed the deer. We convinced him to go and catch a duck that was sitting on the edge of the water.

Finally, when the summer ends, I have another long year of school before I get to do it all over again. When all I am doing is waiting for summer to commence yet again.

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