Student Athlete 2024 | Teen Ink

Student Athlete 2024

November 15, 2024
By wood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
wood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                                                                      STUDENT Athlete 

Author statement:Sports in high school is a joy and a blessing, you get to meet more people, however it takes time away from focusing on grades. Track is the most lonely sport but also one of the biggest team sports. I am constantly pushed to beat my teammates, old times and be the best in the conference, region, state. However, it requires everyone to be the best version of themselves to be a great track team. 


When the track season begins it is a shock for me. I am now forced to a strict schedule, and the time for studying and family time shrinks even more. Track season is basically survival of the fittest, rain or snow, blistering heat or freezing conditions practice is always on. But through this struggle I have found my second family. Before practice, every event will catch up with each other. Distance will talk with sprinters and jumpers will talk with hurdlers. No matter the difference in events, every teammate treats each other like family, everyone is going through the same struggles, juggling academic and performance pressure. 

After every meet, Mr. Herriot acknowledges the top performers by tossing medals and giving everyone one big clap from the entire team. I have been fortunate enough to be blessed with the talent to be on the podium almost every week in the 1600m and 3200m. However, I always find a way to humble myself. No matter how good I race I always say “ man what if”. Or “ I should’ve done this differently.” The search to be the perfect runner is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle, it’s impossible, yet I place constant pressure on myself week in and week out, both in the classroom and on the oval. But that’s the joy of Track. Competing week in and week out with my teammates, trying to be the best runner I can be, knowing that when meet day rolls around, I will be mentally and physically prepared.

Being  a student athlete is no joke, and I have learned this the hard way- from terrible quizzes and tests due to being too tired after practice to study, or just feeling burnt out. I have embraced the climb up the mountain to be the best student athlete that I can be, and that’s all I can ask for at the end of the day.

The author's comments:

this piece is about being a student-athlete and how challenging that is for teens


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