Track & Field | Teen Ink

Track & Field

August 3, 2010
By RHilal94 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
RHilal94 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To reach the top, you've got to be up on your toes."

The locker room on game day was packed with anxious and silent athletes, awaiting their chance to show their teammates what they are capable of. The only noise that was made in that room was the sound of abrupt lockers being slammed shut. As I exited the girls locker room I noticed that the halls were not cluttered with runners. The faint sound of spikes on the tile and the refreshing scent of Icy Hot led me to the coach's room. A majority of the girls track team were huddled over his desk. While I was making my way through the crowd, I noticed that a bright orange paper was being passed around. Patience quickly forsakes me as I was scanning the room for that piece of paper. Knowing exactly what it was, I picked one up off the ground. It was the list of running events. I was skimming the page hoping to find my name under the second heat in 100m hurdles. No luck. Instead, I was signed up to run in the third heat -alone. I was going to be the only hurdler from Davis running in that heat. That was enough pressure as it was, but for it to be the first away game of the season added even more stress. Loneliness swept over me as I made my way out the classroom.

The ride to the away meet was nerve wreaking. Headphones were plunged into ears and runners would blast power-mix songs to get oneself into the spirit. With a single glance out the window, our spirits, almost like our meet, was rained down on. When getting off the bus, the bone chilling breeze and soaked ground welcomed us to the Sells Middle School's track. The opposite team was generous enough to set up a couple hurdles for us to warm up on. Much to my distress, they were worn out wooden hurdles. While I was attempting to warm up in my heavy sweats, I remembered a saying my choir teacher used to tell me, "a bad rehearsal always leads to a great performance." As I was getting ready behind my starting block I was praying that my choir teacher was right. God must have answered my prayers because warming up in the lane right beside me was Mina, another Davis hurdler. I was relieved to find out that she would be running with me. It helped to ease the butterflies flying around in my stomach.

While attempting to clear my mind, I heard the gun go off. Exploding off the starting block and down the track I went. 1, 2, 3, 4, step.. 1, 2, 3, 4, step. That was all that went through my mind. If I started thinking, I'd think to much. This would usually lead to tripping over a hurdle or knocking one down in my path. It is best to keep my mind clear and focused on the trail ahead of me. I move automatically on the track, with one goal in mind; to cross the finish line.

Reminding myself the basics of leaning forward and bringing my trail leg through, I was on my way to the finish line with nothing in front of me, save the remaining hurdles. After 18.7 seconds I found myself on the other side of the finish line. I turn around to find out that the five other runners still had about three hurdles left. Thought after thought flooded into my mind, but one was absolutely clear; I had won the race. Numerous people came up to congratulate me on my first victory. I recognized a few as parents, team mates, and some were even from the opposite team. Shock turned to pride as I stood there listening to my coach congratulating me on scoring a point for the team.

We didn't win that meet, in fact, my team did miserably overall. My track team doesn't care what the score claims at the end of the day. Victory is measured by personal improvement; Personal achievement. Track teaches you that there is always a bright side to every situation.

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on May. 17 2017 at 9:27 pm
Wow I just barley read the first page and I was like damn this story is really good your so good and I don't need to read the other pages because I know is going to be awesome. Good job keep it up