My Softball Team's Post Season | Teen Ink

My Softball Team's Post Season

January 8, 2014
By Samantha Workman BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Samantha Workman BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
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Having a new, young softball team with a freshman pitcher wouldn’t be expected to go to post season, let alone the state tournament. We had 6 seniors graduate the year before and with that group of girls, our school's softball team didn’t even qualify for state. The 2013 softball season was quite the memorable one for us all.

First of all, the group of girls on the varsity rooster that season was perfect. We all meshed together so well. In the past years, high school teams were really just there to warm you up and get ready for you travel team in the summer. But seeing that varsity list on the ASB window, I could already tell that year would be fun, whether if we won or list. We were like family. That phrase is used a lot but I’ve never felt that great about my team before. That is what I believe was one of the reason we had the chance to play in the State championship game.

Our coaches were Mrs. and Mr. Rowe. They have been the varsity coaches for a long time and the farthest they have gone in post season was fourth place at State. If we didn’t have the Rowe’s coaching this year, I don’t believe we would have been so successful! District Champions, third place at Bi-Districts, and second place finish at State. They were positive, great coaches. On game days, we always got little positive notes with an inspiring quote. They always knew what to say to get us pumped up. Along with the wacky nicknames for all the players, they would send us little candy surprises during class. Also, our practices were run very well. They had what we were doing at practice hung up on the dugout every day. They told us before we started and had a reason to why we were doing those drills. They were great coaches and we couldn’t have had such an amazing season without their outstanding help.

We had a pretty good regular season. We went undefeated in league. In pre-season, it was a little rocky. We had a lot to work on at that time. We put in a lot of hard work and all had the same mindset. All our hard work paid off. After we took the district title, it was one of the best feelings! Jumping up and down, cheering, and hugging! That next week at practice was by far the best week of practice we had all season. We were all still pumped from the big win. We wanted more. Bi-Districts were the following weekend. We had the goal of placing at state. Bi-Districts got rained out half way through. It’s always harder to lay in those conditions, but after getting through all the injuries in the season, we felt unstoppable. Unfortunately, having to leave and pick up the tournament the following weekend was tough. It was still a blast getting to spend time in a hotel with the team. We ending up getting third place at Bi-Districts, which we agreed was pretty good considering we qualified for state!

State was by far the best experience I’ve had throughout my high school years. We had so many memories together on and off the field. Nobody expected us to go as far as we did in the state tournament. But we kept winning. Losing wasn’t an option for us at that point. We wanted it all. We went undefeated until the championship game. That loss was the hardest. We could taste the big victory. The 2013 state champs were at our finger tips. We were up by 3 runs in the bottom of the seventh inning. We needed three outs. That’s all. Three outs and we were the new state champions. We were playing the defending state champs. Kamaikian High school started hitting the ball like crazy and in the gaps. There was nothing we could have done. It was a bittersweet feeling.

Overall, it was the best softball season I’ve ever been a part of. Many memoires and feelings shared with those girls that I’ll never forget. Second place with such a young team was a great accomplishment. Knowing only two seniors graduated, I can’t wait to see what the 2014 softball season has in store for us.

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