The Life of a Runner | Teen Ink

The Life of a Runner

September 29, 2014
By kato_kat SILVER, Hemet, California
kato_kat SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tan lines everywhere, from your shorts to your socks. Blisters covering your whole foot. Legs going numb during practice and during recovery. Pushing through the pain to finish then getting the feeling of accomplishment after. Practicing through all weather conditions from blistering heat to rainy days. Never stopping until you are finished. Waking up when its still pitch black outside to get ready for a meet. The feeling of the hot ground hitting your feet.  That good feeling in your legs after a few minutes. Water is necessary if you want to survive. Your sock and shoe game are always on point. People think that you are on steroids. Always being told that you are crazy for doing this.  Getting that feeling that all moisture has been sucked out of your mouth. Continuously being injured, but kept on going. Having indents from your hair from your ponytail. Not caring if you smell after practice because you are to tired to care. Shoes only lasting for one season. Being surrounded by a lot of talented people. Always having someone by your side in a race. When all pictures taken while your running make you look like your dead or just plain out on drugs. When you shoes coming untied  turns into a crisis. Hearing people complain about conditioning when your sport is conditioning 24/7. When your guy teammates have better legs than you. Uniform malfunctions !!! Advil is a lifesaver.  The feeling of  pride when you pass people.   Having shoes that cost more than $100 but are not designer.  Finally the people you are surrounded by are not teammates they are family. This is the life of a runner.

The author's comments:

This is from personal experience but could be very relatable.

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