The Importance of Optimism | Teen Ink

The Importance of Optimism

January 31, 2019
By Anonymous

Optimism is vital to our social structure because without it everyone would be aimlessly walking around with no reason to change. What is the point of life if you don’t look at the better things in it?

Optimism is vital for so many people in so many situations; for the divorced couple, the teen struggling with depression, and the hard working college student. Optimism is like a window in a cave. While hope gives a person something to look forward to, optimism drives that person to get to what they were hoping for. So instead of sitting and waiting for good grades, a student can believe that if they try hard enough and give all they can, they will achieve their goal. If people always hoped for things to happen nothing would ever get done. It is the optimistic person that will succeed in this world and make it a better place for future generations.

While optimism creates productivity, it can also aid a person in a stressful situation. Anxiety causes a person to think the worst of situations. Optimism can make that situation ten times better. We live in a cynical world where it is hard to acknowledge good memories over the sad ones. Teens nowadays are constantly surrounded by images of the ‘perfect’ body or the ‘perfect’ life, and cannot accept those same things about themselves. While the ever-present social media preaches these things, teenagers must forget these ideals and realize their own potential. Social media has its positive attributes, but they simply don’t outway the negative sometimes. It gives a platform to spread amazing things but it also gives way to cyberbullying and depression. Teenagers are addicted to social media whether it be Instagram, Facebook, snapchat, or Twitter. Many social media users, if they know it or not, are negatively affected. To outweigh this negativity and depression they must have optimism. If their only outlook is in watching other people live their lives they are bound to be unhappy.

Happy people are optimistic people. They are people who like what they stand for and people who don’t give up on their dreams. Optimizers aim to accomplish their dreams and live a life that is fully theirs not one seen through a screen. When someone wakes up in the morning and thinks I’m going to conquer this day they most likely will. By having that mindset anything and everything is possible. Even in a perfect world with no problems optimism provide happiness and motivation. A world lacking optimism is a world without drive and fulfilled dreams. This world no matter how many problems it has will never see a day when it will not contain optimism. The world is a happy and beautiful place because of optimizers and dreamers. You simply have to look.

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