Marleh | Teen Ink


November 28, 2022
By Writinglove24 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Writinglove24 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 3 photos 0 comments

The warmth in your embrace covers my body in comfort. 

Your fragrance- strong and powerful I cannot get enough. 

I hang your sweatshirt back up on the rack, not allowed in the wash.

The author's comments:

This is a traditional Korean Poem called a SIJO that consist of 3 line with 44-46 syllables in the poem. This is about my friend that passed, and her parents gave me her favorite sweatshirt because they said she would want me to have it. I refused to was it for months. I cried, and screamed into that sweatshirt for days upon days. It was all i had left.  but i eventually did wash it because i knew i needed to because sometimes you cant hold onto something forever. 


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