This Is Me | Teen Ink

This Is Me

May 28, 2018
By khall SILVER, Exeter, New Hampshire
khall SILVER, Exeter, New Hampshire
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i was born into the world with a boom!
The first girl of my house now with 4 and the first of my extended family.
All eyes were on me.
i had been what my grandma called a gift to the world and those around you.
A gift i hoped i could carry

i was never scared-
i would look outside and fantasize what I could do with what I was given,
And not keep it to myself.
Put under a life long spell

Running from one place is desiring another in hopes that i can it reach fast enough.
I could always run home


As i found the things i liked best, i never wanted to fail, only to improve from the skills i learned yesterday only to wish i could become great.
How these problems seemed so big

My weekend plans consisted of family meals and sitting on the grass as my brother played soccer and soon enough it would be my turn.
We were all so close

i had found what made me happy
What i loved the most
& i could please myself without letting anyone know how hard i had worked for that little improvement that made all the world of difference to me
Bring it on

Tomorrow is only a day away.
And i will make it better than the last for everyone.
Hope was what shined from my smile

No two people are the same, but never should differences tear two apart.
How can we all be different but only those who know think they aren’t take the easy road

There was never a time when i said something i hadn’t meant. Every word that floated from my mouth was from my thoughts that no one could change.
Words are stronger than actions

The world through your own eyes is a beautiful place.
See the world on color

Part 2: Then
They say it’s hard to bounce back.
That one mistake can change the rest of your life, even if it wasn’t your mistake. But you made a mistake so my life was changed.
i was broken

Knowing when to stop and when enough is enough is something i wish you had known.
An unteachable lesson

Your greatests desires are what pushed you to show your greatest flaw.

You were too stubborn to stop training for the night & with one jump into the air and one misplaced foot your world had been crushed with you.
You broke more than just your foot

Sitting in the air waiting to touch the ground again. This was the end of your night, not because of what would come when you hit the ground, but because everyone had already left. You were the last one there, working later than everyone else because you knew that was what it would take if you wanted to be great.
Time was stopped

As you came to the ground, your right foot hit first. You landed too far onto the outside along the thin bone, and there it went. It was cracked right in half by your weight crushing down on it.
What goes up must come down

Had you known trying to become that better athlete would have stopped you from attempting for 12 months you would’ve had a second thought.
It’s too late now

4 months, 10 days, 6 hours, and 13 minutes. You would step foot onto the US training field to prepare for your home opener.
You had been selected from girls all over the country to be apart of the junior national team, and now it felt like you lost your spot.
Your dreams were crushed

It would take time and effort to regain the strength to run and train again.
It would take a miracle to get back to the nation level.
Do you believe in miracles?

A journey of a thousands miles begins with one step. You could take that single step, not when you were ready, but when the doctor allowed you to “with caution.”
This would be a long journey


You couldn’t rely on yourself for the simple things you could do, but you wouldn’t want your friends to carry your burden.

Day by day the hours ticked by slower than the previous with nothing to do but think of what you weren’t doing & all the time you lost & just how much my team was improving while you were stuck in bed.
An unfixable clock

Not only was your foot shattered, but so was all the hope in your eyes and faith in your heart.
Like dust in the wind it was gone

You finally cracked.
You were done having people wait on you,
Help you with every little task.
Nothing you did went without supervision.
I wanted my life back just as much as you

The words in our own brain are powerful enough to convince yourself of anything.
Powerful enough to change what you thought was bad to the worst case scenario.
You could never think of the good things

You were left a step behind standing in the shadows while the world around you danced in the sun.
You felt alone

If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?

You want anything but attention for being weak but 2 extra legs to walk on give you just that. Surrounded and bombarded with questions that you don’t want to hear and definitely do not want to answer.
Attention was the worse part

You would rather have spent hours running drills and sprints & all the work not everyone was willing to put in. You wished you could be the first one at practice and the last one to leave, but you couldn’t even leave house.
My own jail

Part 3: After
There is no point hoping for something that you wont make happen. Feeling sorry for yourself is what kills the hope you have to return to where you were.
You need your hope back

Ive had enough of waiting for my time, watching my team play let the fire kindle deep inside of me,
My love for the game will never leave me

What doesnt kill you makes you stronger.
You need to stand back up,
Taller and stronger than before.
If you want to give up now,
Tell yourself not to regret it.
It will always stay in the back of your mind

Your dream go down the drain when you throw down the towel
Quitters are never winners

What if all athletes threw in the towel after one injury?
There would be no pro players of any sport. There would be no examples of determination or drive. There would be no hope for young athletes because all we are telling them is once you are hurt, you are hurt forever.
Its too early to throw in the towel

We all cant be the hero of every story. Sometimes we have to be the victim before we can wear our cape.
Hero; a person who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

You’ve seen the world in color and in black $ white.
Take your pick

You can only fix a broken heart with its true love. The hard part is letting your heart welcome back what you loved.
A 4 letter word with so many meanings

The biggest pleasures in life are doing the things no one else thought you could.
Its time for you to broke everyone wrong

The only person holding you back,
Is yourself. Time to slay your own dragon and rise above your fears.
Time is the best medicine

We live day by day, being thankful for what we have. Month 1-2 we can walk. Month 3 we can run. Practice makes progress not perfection. 
I am proud of what we have accomplished

There is no such thing as impossible.
Anything is possible through him who gives me strength. We CAN get back to training. We CAN play again. We CAN play at the national level again. And we will.
We deserve it just as much as they do

If there is one word i want to be remembered by, it is determination.
The drive to not give up when the going gets tough & not only improving but thriving.
I believe we can do it

Daily goals. Daily quotes. All the little things i stored in the back of my mind to always do a little bit more.
Showing up early and leaving late

We no long say “ i cant” we only say “i might not be able to do it now, but i will keep trying.” The more you keep saying i cant you are letting those people who dont want to see your dreams come true smile.
Positivity is the most important part

We no longer do anything to impress others, we only perform to impress ourselves. No one needs to give us a placement or a number, we are our biggest critics and know when we have satisfied ourselves and what we can improve one.
Regain your self confidence

Let yourself not hold back. Once you fall you cant be scared to fall again or you will never get the opportunities to fly high. Taking chances is just as much about the reward as it is the downfall.
The difference if if youre ready for anything that comes your way
Nothing is over and done with. You need to know you will always have your scars. Those will never leave you, but they do not define you. They are only a piece of your story. It is up to you to take those pieces and create a masterpiece for other to enjoy.
Your story begins now

Part 4: Now

This is for the girls who have everything,
Let go of being perfect.
This is for the girls who get anything,
Let go of trying the be perfect.
This is for You.
Keep being your own version of perfect,
That no one can take away from you.

Keep showing the world your smile.
Keep showing the world the shimmer in your eyes.
Because that is what is perfect about you.

You have been through hell and back.
Nothing that you say or do now can cause anything you can’t change.
So speak your mind,
Say what you believe.

You can’t even be hit with two stones
And stop flying

How Often People Expect for life to be on their side.

The words that have entered your ears
And left your mouth have changed how you speak and what you hear.
Not because they all have hurt you,
But because you don’t want to be the one to hurt others.

You have seen the deepest parts of my soul.

Nothing else can break you.

Appreciation for others begins with appreciation for yourself.

You were the one sitting on my right shoulder when my left was weighing me down, until you picked me back up again.
You never left me

i can look into the mirror and see myself,
Not looking at You but what I am now.
i am finally pleased

They say you can’t see change unless it’s physical, but isn’t a change in mind physically changing one of the largests muscles in your body? Shouldn’t that be able to be seen? Only someone like You could see how beautiful a person becomes when they open their mind to something more than they can see.
Beauty starts within

It is your turn to pass what you have learned in life into the brains of those around  you
Your voice

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