Summer | Teen Ink


January 31, 2020
By madelineburns BRONZE, Carmichael, California
madelineburns BRONZE, Carmichael, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A season devoted to the sun,

And the crystal clear blue skies that lie above:

Sandy shores that become crowded with beachy fun,

When couples become entranced in a state of summer love;

Baby hummingbirds take their first fall,

And mature as the days fill with everlasting light;

Thriving under the bright of a scorching, burning ball,

Soaring and flying, up goes the kite;

Days become filled with ice-cold lemonade,

And hours are spent splayed out on a towel;

Stuck on the wish to be a mermaid,

Summer festivities couldn’t make anyone scowl;

The season comes to an end too fast,

And hot weather changes at last.

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