We Sunder Like Balloons | Teen Ink

We Sunder Like Balloons

February 23, 2020
By 4736816 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
4736816 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cramped hospital room

Cannot contain my love for the latter

I’d hug you tight, with all my might

If I feared not you would shatter


Blow them up, wrap them tight

Tie the ribbon to the weight

As if cartoon stars and hearts alike

Can change a faded fate


You saw the silhouette from

The foggy covered glass

You see me as I am

I see only what I lack


I lack your touch, I lack your smile

Days spent under an endless sky

A doctor comes to end the silence

I left before you saw me cry


The ribbons wound around the corner

My fingers twiddled too

As you are taken away, I wish I could stay

But that’s not fair to you


Some say we fester like a falling leaf

But this is quite untrue

We intertwine, your love was all mine

As we flutter upwards

Sunder like balloons

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