A Happy Life | Teen Ink

A Happy Life

May 12, 2013
By Lucia Stumbras BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Lucia Stumbras BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To play the field or run amidst gazelles
Or scribe a lengthy piece of noble work
A passion is a love that does not dwell
A loud voice from our head that does not lurk
A blissful feeling is the lust we gain
To do what we love is the only way
To grab and pull it like a horses rein
This passion should not ever leave our day
Exploring love against a mighty force
Will make it difficult to seek great joy
The fire does not come easy on the course
A challenge that is ready to destroy
Delight and honor is what we may feel
It may portray a life that can seem real

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