To Banish the Night | Teen Ink

To Banish the Night

October 20, 2013
By Anonymous

He held darkness in the palm of his hand
And let it go at the end of each day
Each dusk occurred as if by command
But everyone reacted with dismay
Darknesses’ importance they failed to know
And just saw it all as quite tedious
They made him give up and decide to go
And they were proud ‘til things got hideous
The moon never rose and the tides vanished
Soon many were left unable to sleep
They regretted the day he was banished
With sorry cries as they started to weep
With mercy he returned and brought the night
The dark times help you to enjoy the light

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This article has 1 comment.

xG4RY GOLD said...
on Oct. 27 2013 at 2:31 pm
xG4RY GOLD, East Falmouth, Massachusetts
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Favorite Quote:
"The shorter it is, the more well said it is."

This is wonderful. Please, keep it up.