Orphan | Teen Ink


March 18, 2014
By Rishyy BRONZE, Holly Hill, Florida
Rishyy BRONZE, Holly Hill, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in the corner of a dingy, frigidity alley all alone,

Reminiscing on the life I now embrace close to my heart.

A moment in time when I had a place to call my home,

A moment in time when I had a mother and father who were never


It’s not painless being out here on the streets,

Having no knowledge of when you will be able to consume food again.

I observe as citizens commute near here every day in heaps,

Just hoping for an individual to entitle my friend.

Why did my parents have to go to meet our maker?

Why did my humanity come crashing down?

I don’t deserve this, I never lied or anything in that nature;

Yet, I’m still the one existing in an alleyway in town.

This is not the life I considered it would be,

This life is infernal and so distant from heavenly.

The author's comments:
I saw a video of a homeless man that these young boys helped out and it inspired me to write this poem.

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