Lost Horizon by James Hilton | Teen Ink

Lost Horizon by James Hilton

September 19, 2012
By ChrisD BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
ChrisD BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do any mysteries lie in the massive mountain range of the Himalayas? The story of Lost Horizon follows four individuals who make a discovery like no other. The protagonists of Lost Horizon by James Hilton, Conway, Mallinson, Miss Brinklow and Barnard find themselves at the steps of the enigmatic sanctuary of Shangri-La after a plane crash. Surprisingly, the party is greeted kindly by a man named Chang, and welcomed to stay until help arrives. Everything seems in order, certain questions arise from the group and suspicions of the sanctuary’s intentions are raised. This experience changes the four and teaches them to follow the heart’s desire, and to act upon only the righteous of instincts.

A well explained plot, decent character development, and the urge to continue reading are all qualities to be expected of the novel. Evidently, the author paid close attention to detail, and the result of this leaves the reader unable to put the book down. Due to the extent of the detail, the characters are fleshed out and made realistic, each bearing human faults. The ending should not be spoiled, as the author left a few enjoyable twists for the resolution. To some, the book may be predictable, but the overall experience is an enjoyable story which will captivate most readers.


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