Zombieland | Teen Ink


December 10, 2009
By Shawn Coffman BRONZE, Rex, Georgia
Shawn Coffman BRONZE, Rex, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zombieland, a title where automatically those with a weak stomach, or easily frightened drop this title right away. With this choice, they miss out on one of the greatest comedies. Joining four, very different survivors together this movie quickly racks up the laughs along with a zombie here and there. With the use of the worlds main horror fiend, zombieland uses them to make what is surprisingly a laugh out loud comedy.

The author's comments:
Watched Zombieland at the theatres several times. lOVED IT. Then relized most people usually not a fan of zombies and the casual zombie slasher movie, didnt want to see this, While its mainly a hilarious Comedy!

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