The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

December 16, 2013
By Anonymous


I was very pleased with Gary Ross and the first of his hit movie series, The Hunger Games. I went into The Hunger Games knowing quite a lot about it after reading the book. What I watched in the trailers added to the extent of my knowledge. I was surprised at the amount of similarities that the movie had to the book. They were almost exactly the same. You have your evil government, evil media, and your innovative setting. It’s all there. My favorite component of the movie was the different kind of world that the creators made. I was very impressed with the costumes and designs. If you were to take our clothes and hairstyles today to people 100 years or so ago, they’d think they were pretty extravagant. So for this movie they had to take our present day styles and deduce them to 100 years in the future and make them extravagant to us. The actors were great in this film. Lawrence, being the main character, played her lead role very well, considering she would be the reason the movie would sink or swim. All the components of this movie have really impressed me, and I could watch it over and over again.

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