The Historical Figure I Would Like to Meet | Teen Ink

The Historical Figure I Would Like to Meet

December 8, 2016
By SCPKalex GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
SCPKalex GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Whenever I look into the night sky, I ponder the possibilities that await out there in the cosmos. I dream of visiting a place with absolutely no life, and a place unaffected by humanity’s footprint. However, my likelihood of experiencing this is slim. Fortunately, there is still a way to learn what it’s like to live such a feat: meet someone who has.

Neil Armstrong is regarded worldwide as the first human to set foot on the dusty surface of the moon. On July 20th, he stepped out of a lunar lander to reveal a world devoid of life, law, and liquid water.

I would love to meet Neil Armstrong. I’d want to personally ask him what it felt like approaching the moon and feeling the weak pull of gravity again. I’d want to ask him what it felt like to stand and walk on a world with no sound whatsoever. I’d want to ask him what it felt like to truly explore a place unfamiliar to anyone. Neil is a man with colossal ambition. Ambition that I cannot help but respect.

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