Memories that Sparkle | Teen Ink

Memories that Sparkle

January 28, 2014
By Gabriella Verzolini BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
Gabriella Verzolini BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s hard for the glimmer not to catch my eye. Maria’s white dress sparkled like expensive gems. The gown shimmered in the light, as she gracefully walked down the aisle. All the eyes in the room glued to her, admiring her beauty. I can only remember one other time, my cousin looked like a Disney Princess. Her Sweet 16.


The gown was blue instead of white. Maria looked like the new and improved Cinderella. Everyone in the ballroom, the day of Maria’s Sweet 16, looked younger. My mother looked heavier, pregnant with my younger sister. Sometimes I wished she had stayed inside, you know? A two year old me waddled next to Maria. Both of our faces smiling brightly. I’ve always looked up to her, because she was the oldest. I can always rely on her. (Especially for hand me downs). Maria always had her hair styled a pretty way and her makeup complimented her skin so nicely. When she turned 16 I never thought she could be so flawless.

“Woah... she’s getting married…” I muttered to myself. I gripped on my bouquet, and let out a small sigh. I felt tears build up behind my glassy eyes. I’m too old to start bawling in front of my family and embarrass myself. Alas, a tear trickled down my cheek as she united with her soon to be husband, Marc. Where did the time go? I have no idea. Maria showed off her charming smile as my uncle gave her away.

“I do.” Marc stated smiling at his beautiful bride. He probably felt like the luckiest man on Earth. I can’t blame him, Maria has that effect on people.

“I do.” Maria seconded as she kissed her husband. Another tear came down my cheek. I held the bone colored roses up to my face as I reminisce the past. Remembering all the good times I had with my cousin. I promised myself I wasn't going to cry, but I felt like tears would come out like a waterfall. Don’t cry Ella. Don’t you dare I scolded myself in my head.

Leaving the ceremony I had a sad smile smeared on my face. I’m happy for Maria, don't get me wrong, but it will never be the same. I never knew how fast time went by until she started to walk down that aisle. Now that the wedding is over Maria has her dress with the cluster of beautiful gems in her closet. It still sparkles, even though it’s been a year. Unlike the sparkles, I hold the clusters of memories in my heart, and they will shine forever.

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This article has 1 comment.

Lexilil said...
on Mar. 1 2014 at 9:37 pm
What an amazing beautiful memoir. Keep writing, GREAT JOB!!