A Letter or Two | Teen Ink

A Letter or Two

May 11, 2024
By JessicaJail SILVER, Laffayette, Colorado
JessicaJail SILVER, Laffayette, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
i piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer

My Beloved Future Self,

I have more than a few questions, small snippets of wisdom, and some suggestions.


Where do I go when the tempest comes a'rolling?

What song do I sing when the great bell rings, a'tolling?

Do I go on building my city of ash?

suffocating in a weary dash

towards the falling stars,



breaking prison's bars.

Do I go rest in the dance of eternity?

Do I let go of the edge of the snowy diamond cliff,

the diamond sky shining brighter,

my weight not getting lighter?

Do I go on screaming at the stars to stay above?

Snippets of Wisdom

The sky's stars don't have ears.

It's a matter of years.

The tears, they will fall.

The fears, they will call.

I'm just another person,

one in seven billion,

mind in a million.


Life lives on Life's life


Some Strong Suggestions

Dance the dance of pleasures and pains,

but always down forgotten lanes.

Sing the songs of the wind, the seas, the lands, the skies, 

forget society's unforgettable lies. 

My Dearest beloved future self

I give you

A definite command 

Live on




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