For the Common Good | Teen Ink

For the Common Good

January 15, 2013
By Megan Cullinan BRONZE, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Megan Cullinan BRONZE, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Pack your bags. We are leaving Palatine, Illinois and creating our own ideal society in the woods,” declared my AP economics teacher. We needed to discuss our policies. We either walked to the “agree” side of the room or the “disagree” side for each policy he proposed. Our first topic of discussion was wealth distribution. Should we put a cap on personal success so any money made over that limit would be redistributed to those who don’t have enough to survive? I was flabbergasted that over two-thirds of the class stood on the “disagree” side rather than on the “agree” side. As the discussion ensued, I could not believe that so many of my classmates would prefer the personal wealth of a few over the survival of the many. I was even more appalled that my classmates mentioned “survival of the fittest” when talking about those who don’t have enough to survive. Although not as serious as not having enough to live, when my mom was out of work, our family was extremely thankful for the unemployment money that we received which helped us immensely. My classmates’ lack of empathy made me feel stronger about the issue. I’m passionate that all humans should be able to have the necessities, even if I have to give up some of mine.

The author's comments:
This was a college essay that I wrote the the University of Notre Dame. The essay prompt was "what is one view that you hold-large or small-that would contribute to the variety of perspectives at Notre Dame?"

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