Consequences of Addiction | Teen Ink

Consequences of Addiction

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Love is a drug you can't over dose on, but you can have withdraws. When you find that love that you want to keep forever and they leave you feel as if you're dying without it. Romeo and Juliet died over their love for one another. Bonnie and Clyde would do anything for each other . Sometimes you feel high off of love. Like you could do anything , like you're invincible. As long as you have that special person you don't care about the world around you. You could get into any kind of trouble but as long as you have that person loves you it's all okay. Until they leave. Then you're stuck to deal with the consequences of what you did. You're heart broken , and stuck with the pain that they left you with. No escaping what you've done or what you've said. Feeling stupid for ever letting someone getting that close to you. Feeling stupid for trusting and believing that person when they would tell you they loved you. That's where I am. I am stuck. Stuck dealing with the pain, regret and sadness of a relationship being thrown away. Love is a drug . I am addicted to it . I'm having withdraws.

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